Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Zoo Who?

I'm a bit behind in the blogging world -- actually thats the story of my life.

The Tuesday after Memorial Day, Robin, Cooper and Wyatt, Willie, Molly and I headed to the NC ZOO in Asheboro. We had planned on going for about a week and we were all so excited to get together and go.

That morning, we loaded up in our car with packed lunches and bottles of water (and milk) and drove over to my sisters house in Pittsboro. We transferred Molly's car seat into my sisters Sequoia (it's a bus!), loaded in all the kids, and made our way to Asheboro.

Cooper and Wyatt were SO excited! Robin had taken Cooper when he was VERY little and was pregnant with Wyatt at the time, so this was basically their first time there too. Molly was a happy camper being pushed around in her "big girl" stroller.

We enjoyed seeing all the different animals. I really liked the zebras, gorillas, and the seals! Wyatt said his favorite was the
T-REX (aka not at the zoo) but later changed his mind to the gorillas, because Uncle Willie taught him to beat his chest like Tarzan. Silly Uncle Willie!

Cooper and Wyatt loved learning about the different animals, and there were a few expos on the outside of some of the areas. This photo below is a lady showing the boys the teeth of the alligators and the transformation a frog makes from tadpole to frog.

Wyatt loves to wear hats! Today's "hat" of choice was a gold crown. He was asked a dozen times if it was his birthday. Hilarious!

Can you see the exhaustion on these boys faces?
We were heading back to the main entrance after a long day of walking the entire park!

On our way home it starting POURING! We were so lucky to enjoy our day at the Zoo with bright sunny weather... glad the rain decided to hold out for us. As you can see, a little someone PASSED OUT!

We had such a fantastic time &
we will have to plan another trip to go again!

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