Tuesday, May 22, 2012

So Long Gas Station!

After much discussion and searching, Willie and I took the plunge and went HYBRID! We purchased a 2012 Toyota Prius on Saturday. Although we have a growing family and you would think space would be a necessity, we decided gas prices took precedent. We went from an average of about 16 MPG to 50! Needless to say, we are happy to not have to visit the gas station as often. We have already put about 200 miles on the car and have only used about a quarter of a tank! YAH for going green!

I love the weekends because it's family time. Willie isn't at work and we just get to do whatever we want! Molly has become so much more active lately, and it's a blast to see what she can get into!

 Although she did not climb into this basket, she was excited to find out what was inside of it! TOYS!

Loved playing in all her new found toys!

 We do not normally let her eat her socks,
 but this was hilarious - and they were clean!

 Molly's new thing is to suck on her bottom lip!
Here she is playing with a little piano she scoots backwards to get to,
while sucking on that lip!

 First time sitting in the big girl high chair!

We met up with Sara and Molly's HTB (husband to be) at Southpoint Mall in Durham on Saturday night where we would later me my dear friend Julie and her husband Brian. Julie and I have been friends since sophomore year of high school. She has two darling rotten boys! And this was the first time she met Molly! I think she enjoyed squeezing on a little rotten GIRL!

Sunday, we worked out in the yard - planting new plants and re mulching the flower beds - thank you HOA's for nothing. Later Auntie Sarah come to hang out with Molly Anne. They played for a bit in Molly's new play area - new cushy mats and her many toys she's already accumulated!
We later went and walked the new Greenway trails for a while (a little less than 3 miles). They are beautifully built. I could have taken pictures, but that would have just been too unlike me!

Aunt Sarah and Molly playing!

Molly jumping in her jumperoo while we were working out in the yard! It was a little windy and her hat kept flying away! I guess we shouldn't have cut off the straps. Oops!


  1. Can you and Sara convince my friendly banker to get in on the new car bandwagon?!?!? :-) Love the Prius and I know you love the savings!

  2. I am laughing so hard at :

    1) you not liking Willie taking that pic and still posting it on here. And that corny van in the background LOL

    2) You saying that would not have been like you, taking pics on the walk! HILARIOUS!
