Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Blessings

What a wonderful Easter!!
I think this one is for the books as my favorite Easter ever.
I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and Easter Holiday!

We started off on Saturday night with church and it was one of the most touching services I've experienced. So many wonderful testimonies on how people have overcome some of the most heartbreaking battles throughout life. I'm so blessed for the life I have and the opportunities I am given because of the sacrifices made by Jesus. Thank you, Jesus!

 We started Sunday at home and worked our way to my parents house to celebrate with them, my brother, sister, brother and law and nephews and our friend/neighbor Song. We had a wonderful meal of fried chicken, ham, cabbage, corn pudding, and so many other wonderful foods!

 I used a recipe that my friend Courtney blogged about last week!
Jiffy corn muffins with homemade strawberry butter.
She was the guinea pig, but I must say, it's delicious!

Get ready! There are a TON of pictures!

Molly is all smiles in the morning!

Happy 1st Easter Molly Anne!

Molly's Easter "Basket"

Getting Daddy to read her new book!

Easter breakfast of cereal and apples!

Laughing at her favorite toy!

Exhausted from all the excitement!

Checking to see that the bonnet fits!
(it was one I wore as a baby)

Easter outfit

All dressed up at church

Getting ready to go to our first Easter egg hunt!
But decided to take a nap instead of getting dressed!

Hanging out with Uncle Sam before lunch

Sitting with Daddy and cousin Cooper
and going through her Easter basket from Mimi and Grandaddy

Wyatt is such a mess!
He loves sitting and playing in Molly's toys!

Easter Family Photo

Easter Egg Hunt!

Sitting with Song before our walk

After the Easter egg hunt, we walked down to the falls! It's so nice there!
The weather was perfect for a stroll. And it wasn't a bad idea to burn off some of those calories from our delicious lunch!

Napping on our walk!

Molly was zonked after our fun filled day!
If you could only hear her while she was sleeping!
She kept making loud sighing sounds. It was so sweet. I can already tell you, I'm going to miss the moments like this once she's older.
She's growing SO fast!

We ended the night with a few stories from her new book.
A perfect ending to a wonderful day!


  1. Ugh so many comments to make LOL!!

    So jealous I missed the corn pudding! Nice to know Susan's kitchen is back open for business ;)

    I didn't know you got Molly breathable bumpers!! or maybe I did?! Either way, aren't you glad?! LOL I am such a nerd.

    Love that you got the Apptivity case! Have you tried it out yet?!

    Wyatt IS a mess LOL! No chocolate cupcakes for him this time?!

    Can't wait to see yall TOMORROW NIGHT!

  2. All that cuteness! I love the picture where you are both in white! Adorable! And I don't think I ever thanked you for the SWEET Easter card! Way to make a woman cry just by opening up some fun mail! It was so sweet and special! Thank you!
