Friday, April 27, 2012

It's Friday!

I've been quite slack with updating my blog lately. I can honestly say it hasn't been because I've been busy. It's been a rather mellow week. Can you imagine how much laundry, dishes, and cleaning I could get done on a week like this? You would think a lot -- NOPE!

Saturday, we participated in our neighborhood yard sale. We sold quite a bit of things we were going to donate anyway, so it was great to make some extra $$! And in doing so, we cleared out a lot of our garage. One day we may be able to actually park in there again!

Molly and I did venture out with Mom (Mimi), Robin, Cooper and Wyatt on Wednesday. We spent the day at Southpoint Mall in Durham, where we shopped (or browsed) and had lunch at The Cheesecake Factory. It's so much fun spending time with the boys and seeing how much they grow! Molly loves to laugh at Cooper. And he ADORES her. Wyatt is still a little young to really notice her much. He will randomly scream Mawweee and laugh hysterically.

Here are a few pictures from this past week and weekend.

Molly selling lots of goodies at the yard sale!

Breakfast time before having a great day at the mall!

Robin, Cooper, and Molly!
Molly's eyes make me laugh!

Wyatt climbed into Mollys car seat at The Cheesecake Factory!
I think he sometimes gets jealous he's no longer the baby.

Molly trying on some great shades!

Happy Friday everyone! Hope this weekend is all you want it to be!

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